Murgia Timone

Exactly in front of Sasso Caveoso, dominating the opposite bank of the Gravina, stands the area of the Murgia known as “Murgia Timone (from timo, thyme).

Visit to beautiful cave churches

Besides the breathtaking view of all the Sassi and Civita, it offers a lot of artistic, naturalistic and archaeological attractions: the cave churches of San Falcione, Sant’Agnese, San Vito alla Murgia and Madonna delle Tre Porte are all in the area of the Belvedere, while the visit to the beautiful Madonna della Croce requires a detour of almost an hour.

A neolitic trenched village in the heart of Murgia

The visit to the near neolitic trenched village, in spring completely covered by blooming asphodels, allows to appreciate the symbiosis between man and landscape that caracterized the whole long history of Matera and made its fortune. On the same site stands a monumental, underground chamber tomb of the Early Bronze Ages. All this elements are surrounded by the beautiful colors and scents of the Murgia.

How to get to Murgia Timone

You can get to Murgia Timone by car, parking on the Belvedere itself or near the CEA (Environmental Education Center) of Jazzo Gattini. An alternative is to get there afoot, in a short trek from the Sassi, through ancient paths climbing along the walls of the Canyon.

Min/Max Length: 2,5/4 h.

Difficulty: easy (by car) / medium (trekking).

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  Take a look at the videos made by VisitMatera for a little preview of some of the sites you could see along this route!