About Us
Our staff: professional, passionate tour guides and archaeologists. We dig you.
Nicola Taddonio
CEO, Archaeologist, Tour Guide.
Specialized archaeologist (first degree, second degree, post-graduate Specialization School), authorized tour guide, founding member and part of the Steering Board of the Cultural Association MUV Matera (Virtual Museum of Collective Memory), member of the BoD of the historical Centro Carlo Levi Matera, founder and President of ConfGuide Matera.
I was born and raised in Matera. As for many boys and girls of my generation, the almost abandoned Sassi of 80’s and 90’s were a magical, mysterious world to explore and a beautiful place to be a kid.
As an archaeologist, I committed myself in the ancient history of Lucania (the ancient Basilicata), from the cults of indigenous population to Landscapes Archaeology, changing study approach as much as possible. I enjoyed above all the analysys of votive terracottas (the result of which was published in 2011) and, lately, of satellites images, over an experimental thesis in cooperation with the Italian Space Agency, after some months at work in the Center of Space Geodesy of Matera. I’ve also been working on several archaeological digs as a professional, in Basilicata, Calabria, Marche, Campania and Sicily.
The years passed in the safeguard of cultural heritage made me clearly understand two facts:
- the primary importance (too often underestimated) of professionality in culture, both in research and tourism business;
- the necessity to transmit knowledge and love for our cultural heritage to the people, in order to transform casual, unknowing users into enthusiasts guardians of the same heritage.
Currently, I’m in charge of the archaeological excavations in the Sassi for the conservative restoration of the Casalnuovo District, to become Matera’s Demo-ethno-anthropological Museum.
I’m also part of the scientific committee behind the Mathera cultural magazine.
Here’s my personal website: nicolataddonio.com.

Francesca Schiano di Pepe
Archaeologist, Tour Guide
Born in Naples, my Phlegrean blood made me hear the call of Archaeology since I was a baby.
A call that led me, in the end, to the beautiful and ancient Matera, where I attended the Post Graduate School of Specialization in Archaeology.
Always keeping my roots deep in the blue Neapolitan sea, where hidden and forgotten wonders are reflected, I draw routes to their discovery, sure that beauty and knowledge will save us.
Matera, Festa della Bruna 2006
In posa con il trofeo, dopo la battaglia dello “strazzo del carro”. Posing with the spoils of war, after the battle.
Alle prese con il rilievo del santuario lucano della dea Mefite (IV sec. a.C. – II sec. d.C.) Surveying the Lucanian Sanctuary of Mephitis (IV century B.C. – II century A.D.).
Alle prese con il rilievo del santuario lucano della dea Mefite (IV sec. a.C. – II sec. d.C.) Surveying the Lucanian Sanctuary of Mephitis (IV century B.C. – II century A.D.).
La squadra dell’Ambiente 2 (del quale ero il responsabile), durante lo scavo dell'”anaktoron”, un palazzo della tarda Età del Ferro, dopo la scoperta di una c.d. “chiave di tempio”. The “Ambiente II” team (of which I was in charge) on the excavation of the “anaktoron”, a palace of the Late Iron Age, after the discovering of a “temple key”.
La squadra dell’Ambiente 2 (del quale ero il responsabile), durante lo scavo dell'”anaktoron”, un palazzo della tarda Età del Ferro, dopo la scoperta di una c.d. “chiave di tempio”. The “Ambiente II” team (of which I was in charge) on the excavation of the “anaktoron”, a palace of the Late Iron Age, after the discovering of a “temple key”.
Torre di Satriano (PZ). Mr. Carlo Greco, owner of the field, hopes in another rich finding.
Torre di Satriano (PZ). Mr. Carlo Greco, owner of the field, hopes in another rich finding.
Nicola conduce una visita presso gli Ipogei di San Giorgio a Matera.
Nicola conduce una visita presso gli Ipogei di San Giorgio a Matera.
Francesca conduce una visita presso la Grotta di Seiano, Napoli
Francesca conduce una visita presso la Grotta di Seiano, Napoli